Thursday, June 14, 2007

Fav Shortcuts vs Search Engines

Came across this unique website called All My Faves.

What's interesting is that they took all the key websites of the world that people normally search for or go to .. (like Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Flickr, CNN .... etc)

And what they did was to put it all on ONE page.

Each link is associated with an image and all you need to do is to set this as your homepage, and Click on the Icons and you're done! Its like your Favourite/Bookmark all icon-ized for you!

PITY, wish the developer created a "MY FAVES" where as an individual I can customize what is My Favourite. If such a thing exist then I think more people all over the world will use it.

Cos currently .. there are so many links which I am not interested in and would not want to go, and these icons instead of being a help, becomes a clutter.

But go check it out for yourself ... here's a few lines copied over.

Weekly Faves
Weekly Faves
list of email websites
in video you can find hours of entertainment
search engines
major sports website
a list of weather sites
community - where you can meet new interesting people
Wiki wikipedia, wiki, all wikimedia sites
major banks in the US
financial news
etrade, e-trade
major cellular providers in the US
AllMyFaves Magazines

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row1e said...

Thank you delephant for the great post. We are currently working on face lifting the site and adding a myfaves option which will be very simple and intuitive. Make sure to tune back in the next couple of weeks.

- Roy from AllMyFaves

dele said...

Hey Roy

Tks for sharing the upcoming updates for AllFaves! The customization would really be great and make it really viable for all users of the internet (worldwide!)