No clue whatsoever. Promises better Page Ranking, because everyone's Blog who is participating will be able to have a link to each other's Blog. I guess the only thing it will serve is that it will create a lot of direct linkage of Malaysian Blogs.
Well since it promises to increase Page Ranking and thus help in generating additional visits from curious people clicking the List below. Here goes!!
You need to go the orginator of My List.
Download the My List and paste it at the bottom of the Post. (refer below)
At the end of the Closing date (31 May) you'll need to download the list and paste it one more time. (Like this everyone would benefit whether you joined when MY LIST launches or if you created a blog in June and join the list!)
** (thinking aloud now) Wow!! Trying to imagine that by the end of May, if this little project started by Daryl works out, you may have thousands of Blog LINKS ... linking each other like a little Spider Web! :)
Oh yeah, you can submit as many blogs as you want too! Still have no clue to what i am talking about, visit the My List site-lah.
LOL... deadline 31st May lar. Anyways I updated your blog into the downloadable list already. Thanks so much for your support to all Malaysian bloggers. Cheers!
Whoooops!! I must have mis-read the dates!
Tks Daryl .. have made the changes to 31 May! :)
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